What is a Doula?

Doula is greek for the highest woman servant. Traditionally this woman was there to count on and rely on for all the woman-of-the-house's needs and wants. Thus a birth doula is one who listens to the birthing mother's wishes and does all she can to get her there. Whether it's a medicated or natural birth. A birth doula supports and encourages the mother and uses her training of comfort measures and laboring positions. She does not perform any medical or clinical tasks. The doula is also there to support the father and help him work with the mother. She can calm his fears, take some of the weight off his shoulders, and help answer his questions. Often this extra support actually helps the mother and father have a more intimate bond of strength and working together. The doula's goal is to help empower the mother to listen to her body and find her inner strength to go after her birthing desires, adapt as necessary, and enter the wondrous world of motherhood.

Likewise, a postpartum doula is there in the postpartum period, or the time after birth. Throughout our history women have gathered to help and support women through birth and their adjustment as a new mother. They have stayed and helped take care of the house and other children, freeing up the new mother to rest, heal, and bond with baby. In our time new mothers are more isolated. We have babies and are left to fend for ourselves. New moms are often far from family and left to figure out baby care with the internet. This can be a good tool, but it doesn't have that personal touch. Experienced moms with new babies are left with no options other than to cook, clean, do laundry, take care of all the older children's needs, and cater to a newborn. Women are amazing, however we are meant to help each other. We crave connection. A postpartum doula is there to help the mom. She is there to talk and help her process her birth. She is there to help with csection care. She helps do the tasks needing to be done so that mom can heal, rest, and bond with baby. If help is needed with newborn care or breastfeeding a postpartum doula is a good resource.

Help yourself have your personal needs met and addressed, hire a doula.